Corporate Podcasting: Producing Consistent Quality Content

As we continue our examination of different challenges companies can face when creating a corporate podcasting show, we now focus on the challenge of consistently creating quality content.

Why is creating this quality content important? And how can your organization overcome this obstacle? That is what we cover in this instalment of our Corporate Podcasting series.

Why Content Consistency and Alignment Matter

Whether it is a blog, a video show, or a corporate podcast, having a way to create and distribute content on a regular basis can lead to your brand and expertise being shared on an ongoing basis – and it means you, and your company, can be top of mind in the markets you want to target.

The fact of the matter, however, is that it shouldn’t simply be a numbers game. Your company should not solely focus on the quantitative aspects of your content output, but the qualitative ones too.

When it comes to the content you plan and create, it is about the quality of this content just as much as about the context, the voice, and style in which you communicate. 

It is critical for different departments, teams, and people involved in content creation to ensure that there is consistency, not only in terms of producing and marketing your output, but in terms of your voice as well.

Every piece of content, regardless of which department creates it, or which platform it will be used on, should have a style and voice that is consistent with everything else that your team is putting out.

It is imperative for your messaging to be aligned and sound the same across all the different platforms. 

Remember: a piece of content can be a person’s or a company’s first touchpoint or experience with your brand. It can be the difference in turning a passive audience into an engaged one, or better still, a client or customer.

It’s About Pulling, not Pushing

We all know that content should work for your business. We want it to generate leads, to bring a stream of prospects that can turn into customers.

However, this doesn’t mean that your content needs to be “in your face” and salesy. It isn’t about pushing people, rather about pulling and attracting people.

It all goes back to your strategy: how do you provide value through your content? And how can you deliver content in the most consistent way so that no matter where people discover your content, it has the same resonance, meaning there is a higher likelihood of engagement.

Keep your goals front and center, and use them as the “compass” you are going to rely on when making decisions. These choices include but are not limited to: the topic to discuss, the medium to create the content for, the format, when to publish, and all the other pieces of the content creation and content marketing puzzle, 

It’s About Pulling, not Pushing Addressing the Content Consistency and Quality Challenge

You don’t need to become a content machine, creating something new 24/7 in order to stay top of mind with your leads, prospects, community members, and customers.

As we have said in past videos, you can leverage the principle of ‘Create Once, Syndicate Many’ to stay relevant and on the radar of your prospects and customers.

Try to think of each piece of content your company creates as a fruit and try to “squeeze it” to get as much “content juice” out of it as possible, and use it in a way that supports your goals.

Repurpose, re-shape, re-share, cross-promote, tweak, update, cut, stitch together… there are many different ways to make the most out of each piece of content – especially evergreen ones, which will be relevant tomorrow, next week, and in months and years to come.

If you need help in planning, streamlining and producing your corporate podcasting show, or if you already have content of any type and need assistance in making it the most of it in a consistent and quality-oriented way, we are here to help.

About the Authors:

Connie Steele is the Co-Founder of Flywheel Associates, a Business & Career Strategist, am Executive Consultant, Host of Strategic Momentum, and Author of the new book "Building the Business of You." Connect with Connie on LinkedIn.

Yann Ilunga is a Podcasting & Lead Generation Consultant and International Speaker. Dubbed ‘Podcasting Advocate’ by Forbes, he has produced over 400 podcast episodes since 2014. Connect with Yann on LinkedIn.


Corporate Podcasting: Increasing Podcast Listener Conversions With the ‘3 Yeses’ Principle


Corporate Podcasting: Managing Content Creation Resources